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Here's an example that does work. I'm guessing your problem is that in this chunk[i]=i; you have not told the computer that the vector should have 5 entries. So you are trying to access uninitialized memory. You should likely be using something like push_back or; before your for loop in the publisher.

If you look at the example above, you'll see that I use push_back on Float32MultiArray.layout to set the size of that vector, and then I use std::vector::resize to resize a vector that will contain the data I'm trying to publish (which I eventually set equal to

Side note, I believe the exit code -11 is coming from Python's subprocess poll function which, according to that link, would indicate your program exiting due to a signal 11. Note, roslaunch is written in Python and uses the subprocess module to run nodes. This would correspond to a SIGSEGV -- which is an invalid memory reference. This is consistent with my previous comment.