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1 | initial version |
I can confirm that I've used VB with gazebo. I did get a sigsegv, but that didn't happen every time. I was able to move the ground plane, and was even able to get the awesome hector_quadrotor to run nicely
Fuerte (from debs), Gazebo 1.6.14 (from debs), Virtualbox 4.1.20 (Precise guest, Snow Leopard host)
2 | No.2 Revision |
I can confirm that I've used VB with gazebo. I did get a sigsegv, but that didn't happen every time. I was able to move the ground plane, and was even able to get the awesome hector_quadrotor to run nicely
Fuerte (from debs), Gazebo 1.6.14 (from debs), Virtualbox 4.1.20 (Precise guest, Snow Leopard host)
(as hsu pointed out) apt-get install gnome-session-fallback, and login with classic (no effects)
There's also a notable performance benefit to using classic. Will update when done benchmarking.