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I can't help you much because I don't have a turtlebot to test, so I hope other people can chime in.

In general, remapping often brings bugs into the light with code that hasn't been tested in a multi robot scenario. :-)

Some general advice:

  • Some of your errors look like they are caused by missing parameters. When a node is called "foo", it expects its private parameters to be at "foo/...". Now if you remap the namespaces, the nodes get pushed down to "namespace/foo" and expect their parameters there. Try to do a rosparam dump tmp.yaml with and without remapping and try to spot the differences (and missing differences). Better restart the master in between to clear out the parameters.
  • TF isn't affected by remapping, so you need to set the tf_prefix parameter for all nodes that use TF. But your errors don't seem to be related to TF (that will start later, when you connect a second Turtlebot). Some code even doesn't support tf_prefix. For instance, we've only patched that support into robot_pose_ekf last month, so you'll have to wait for the next release of the navigation stack (1.10.4) before you can use multiple instances of robot_pose_ekf at once.

I can't help you much because I don't have a turtlebot to test, so I hope other people can chime in.

In general, remapping often brings bugs into the light with code that hasn't been tested in a multi robot scenario. :-)

Some general advice:

  • Some of your errors look like they are caused by missing parameters. When a node is called "foo", it expects its private parameters to be at "foo/...". Now if you remap the namespaces, the nodes get pushed down to "namespace/foo" and expect their parameters there. Try to do a rosparam dump tmp.yaml with and without remapping and try to spot the differences (and missing differences). Better restart the master in between to clear out the parameters.
  • TF isn't affected by remapping, so you need to set the tf_prefix parameter for all nodes that use TF. But your errors don't seem to be related to TF (that will start later, when you connect a second Turtlebot). Some code even doesn't support tf_prefix. For instance, we've only patched that support into robot_pose_ekf last month, so you'll have to wait for the next release of the navigation stack (1.10.4) before you can use multiple instances of robot_pose_ekf at once.once. Or build it from source, of course.