Multirobot with one master using different namespaces
This is a follow up question from question 60760 multirobot-interaction-using-turtlebot.
When I implemented the advice on that question, which indicated that each turtlebot should run on its own namespace, I got the following errors in these 3 processes:
process[robot_pose_ekf-6]: started with pid [23337]
[ERROR] [1371052770.749560864]: No analyzers initialzed in AnalyzerGroup /turtlebot246/diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers
[ERROR] [1371052770.751441041]: Analyzer group for diagnostic aggregator failed to initialize!
process[cmd_vel_mux-7]: started with pid [23350]
[ERROR] [1371052771.860666093]: CmdVelMux : configuration file not found []
process[bumper2pointcloud-8]: started with pid [23386]
[ERROR] [1371052772.502205005]: Kobuki : no device port given on the parameter server (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0)[/turtlebot246/mobile_base].
[ERROR] [1371052772.502885732]: Kobuki : could not initialise! Please restart.
How can I fix these errors?
The master is the workstation and both robots connect to it. I am trying to start each robot in a different namespace like this:
ROS_NAMESPACE=turtlebot246 roslaunch turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch
Without the namespace assignment the robots function properly (as long as there is only one active at a time).
Thank you very much,