Questions about the Dynamic Window Approach in ROS
Hi ROS community! Some questions:
- Is the use of the Base_Local_Planner with dwa=true deprecated? I've read that the dwa_local_planner is more efficient.
- What is the difference between TR and DWA in the base_local_planner? I understand the differences explained in the Wiki, however looking the trajectory_planner.cpp I don't see them. The only difference I see in the source code is that each choice defines the dynamic window velocity limits using sim_period or sim_time (which are both customizable parameters). I suspect dwa=true also works as the TR algorithm (with non-circular trajectories) but I would like a second opinion.
- The original DWA method is a goal-directed reactive method, while this implementation uses the path_cost (based on the MapGrid class) to evaluate the cost of each local trajectory. Is this method documented in any known paper or it is considered a minor modification of the method made by WG?