I take some minutes to find a solution for the problem :
Add a new file association for .launch files
- General -> Editors -> File Association ... add a new file type with the suffix *.launch assign the XML Editor to the new file type
- General -> Appearance -> Content Types ... roll off entry for TEXT in the menu go to XML and add *.launch
Now a .launch file will be opened by the XML Editor, if you have installed it.
In a second step you have to define a new external tool launch.
- Run -> External Tools -> External Tools Configurations
- choose PROGRAM and add a new lauch configuration by clicking the left button
- write a name like “Launch_ROS” to NAME
- integrate the path of roslaunch into LOCATION (usually something like ../ros/ros_comm/tools/roslaunch/bin/roslaunch)
- add as ARGUMENTS your ROS package name and .launch file name (for a more general use you can take ${project_name} ${resource_name}, but in this case your focus has to be on your launch file while starting !!!)
- then you can start the ROS application by Run -> External Tools -> Launch ROS
Anyone feels free to improve the chain !
Best wishes from Germany