Help troubleshooting foreign relay
I believe I'm sending topic data over a foreign relay, but nothing comes out on the foreign machine
On machine1:
rostopic pub -r 10 /foo /std_msgs/String hello
rosrun foreign_relay foreign_relay adv http://machine2:11311 /machine1/foo /foo
rostopic echo /foo shows a parade of hellos, as you'd expect
on machine 2:
rostopic list shows /machine1/foo
rostopic info /machine1/foo shows * /foo_foreign_relay_0_adv_1306438093482799609 ( http://machine1:54200/ )
but rostopic echo /machine1/foo is empty
roswtf on machine2 reports:
ERROR Could not contact the following nodes: * /foo_foreign_relay_0_adv_1306439078454201491
ERROR The following nodes should be connected but aren't: * /foo_foreign_relay_0_adv_1306439078454201491->/rostopic_16013_1306439118679 (/machine1/foo)
suggestions on debugging?