How to create OccupancyGrid from Laser scan data and Pose (odometry)?
I am working on a laser scan matching algorithm and I have got the pose of the robot during laser scans. How do I generate a map with this data? I do not want to use gmapping. I just want to use laser and pose data and create map_server topic to visualize in rviz.I figured out that occupancy grid has to be generated and it would be published as /map but there is no tutorial as to how to generate a occupancy grid.
Do you want any algorithm in between or use the pose + scans you get to build the map?
I want to use pose+scans to build the map. simply put I have odometry and laser scan topics I want map_server from these two.
Hello, I also want to know how to use /scan and /robot_pose_ekf to create /map. I want to know the principle. Thank you.