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velodyne_rawscan md5sum missmatch

asked 2011-06-13 20:37:33 -0500

ravi gravatar image

updated 2014-01-28 17:09:50 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image

Hi all,

I am trying to get velodyne rawscan from a input bag which publishes velodyne_common/RawScan (topic= velodyne/rawscan) but I get this error,

Waiting 0.2 seconds after advertising topics...

[ERROR] [1308039369.255405494]: Client [/my_3D_to_2D] wants topic /velodyne/rawscan to have datatype/md5sum [velodyne_common/RawScan/a36da642742ddd79774fbc755f9c5cdd], but our version has [velodyne_common/RawScan/d34cf5a37a401b668e53c57f6409eb76]. Dropping connection.

Please help me.

Edit: I am playing the bag and trying to subscribe the topic /velodyne/rawscan in a program and print the subscribed input on stdout, but I get the errer and even after using "rostopic echo /velodyne/rawscan" while playing bag I get the following error:

[ERROR] [1308109245.015874373]: Client [/rostopic_13899_1308109244719] wants topic /velodyne/rawscan to have datatype/md5sum [velodyne_common/RawScan/a36da642742ddd79774fbc755f9c5cdd], but our version has [velodyne_common/RawScan/d34cf5a37a401b668e53c57f6409eb76]. Dropping connection
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2 Answers

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answered 2011-07-02 07:01:30 -0500

tfoote gravatar image

Your problem is that you have a bag file with different message versions than the code you are running. Usually the bag files were recorded in a past version of ROS and are incompatible. You should be able to use rosbag fix to fix the bag files.

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answered 2011-06-14 05:46:20 -0500

It is not an error. What would you expect to see? If you want to see whether something is sent to the topic use rostopic echo /velodyne/rawscan while playing the bagfile.

Or use rxbag <bagfilename> to have a look at it graphically.

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I am playing the bag and trying to subscribe the topic /velodyne/rawscan in a program and print the subscribed input on stdout, but I get the errer and even after using "rostopic echo /velodyne/rawscan" while playing bag I get the following error: [ERROR] [1308109245.015874373]: Client [/rostopic_13899_1308109244719] wants topic /velodyne/rawscan to have datatype/md5sum [velodyne_common/RawScan/a36da642742ddd79774fbc755f9c5cdd], but our version has [velodyne_common/RawScan/d34cf5a37a401b668e53c57f6409eb76]. Dropping connection
ravi gravatar image ravi  ( 2011-06-14 15:41:02 -0500 )edit
@ravi Please edit your question with this new information.
tfoote gravatar image tfoote  ( 2011-06-14 17:49:38 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2011-06-13 20:37:33 -0500

Seen: 2,157 times

Last updated: Jul 02 '11