Speeding up OpenCV on ARM?
Hi all,
I'm working with OpenCV on a Gumstix, and it is incredibly slow. For instance, running the "GoodFeaturesToTrack" function in a node runs at 1.5Hz, and requires 85% processor utilization on a Gumstix Overo Tide. I used a standard download and compile of the ROS vision_opencv package to get these results. Any ideas on how to optimize? It seems that even a lowly 700MHz processor should be a bit faster than what I'm getting.
I'm looking into Ash Charles' suggestion to add a flag to use the neon coprocessor. I'm not quite sure how to do this. I'm assuming that I make a change to my opencv2 makefile, but would appreciate some direction on that.
Update #2
I'm working on implementing RahulP's suggestion. So, in the vision_opencv package, I added a flag to CMakeLists.txt, which now looks like this:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.4.6)
Then, I ran rosmake vision_opencv
which was successful. However, running the code showed no improvement whatsoever in execution speed (as measured by running rostopic hz /output).
Did I skip a step here? Or do I need to be looking into profiling? I tried using oprofile, but didn't really get anywhere productive. If you have any suggestions, they would be much appreciated.
Potential Update/Question
If I were to go to my OpenCV directory, and type in:
./configure -mfpu=neon
followed by running rosmake, would that have the desired effect?
I've uploaded all of my code to Github. The main program that I'd like to optimize is in nodes/find_laser_filtered.py. Obviously, one easy thing to do is to get rid of filtering lines by angle, that was mostly for debugging purposes on the desktop.
If you get an opportunity to take a look, please suggest any ideas for improvement you may have. I'd really like to get this running at 15+ Hz, and I'm currently at about 2 Hz...