Running processes on different machines causes md5sum incompatibility issue
Hi, I am trying to run the 'sr_control_gui' on a different machine to the rest of the system and I am getting this error:
[ERROR] [1311084061.470869449]: Client [/sr_control_gui] wants topic /object_manipulator/object_manipulator_pickup/result to have datatype/md5sum [object_manipulation_msgs/PickupActionResult/37706bf50c1b11b7802944213b641a54], but our version has [object_manipulation_msgs/PickupActionResult/f5b810c9cd81bc41f3d404d9b45717b9]. Dropping connection.
From what I understand of it, there is an incompatibility between the messages/topics being published by the different computers, manifesting as an issue with "md5sum"? How can I fix it?
Thanks in advance.