rflex/b21 cmd_vel not working as expected
Hi, I have a problem with a B21r. Here is what I did:
- Start roscore
- Start b21 drivers (rosrun rflex b21)
- Publish this message to /b21/cmd_vel:
- rostopic pub -1 /b21/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist '[0, 0, 0]' '[0, 0, 0.3]'
What I expect and get in simulations is that the robot turns a step and stops.
What I get with is that it takes a while until the robot starts to move, then turns, stops, turns another step, stops, and so on (with different step sizes). I watched /b21/cmd_vel, the command is only sent once. Sometimes the b21 driver prints a message like "B21 Home 26.523571".
Is this this correct behavior and am I missing something? It would be nice if someone could explain this behavior to me. We tried navigating with ROSE, and it worked correctly, so it seems not to be a hardware issue.