Error when running the Turtlebot_bringup launch file
I am trying to implement 2D slam on an old iRobot Create with a Kinect attached to it.
This is the procedure I am following -
- I have the iRobot Create.
- I install the ros-groovy-brown-driver to be able to connect to the Create. I have also installed the turtlebot ros package.
I start roscore. And then I run the following command
rosrun irobot_create_2_1 cmd_vel:=turtlebot_node/cmd_vel
The Create plays that music. I wish to run the turtlebot_teleop command, but before that I try to run the following command
roslaunch turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch
I get the following errors. Also, if I run the turtlebot_teleop command for keyboard, it gets executed without errors but pressing the keys don't move the bot at all.
[ERROR] [1386716974.533922230]: filter time older than odom message buffer [ERROR] [1386716974.555218373]: Covariance specified for measurement on topic wheelodom is zero [ERROR] [1386716974.616525541]: Covariance specified for measurement on topic wheelodom is zero [ERROR] [1386716974.633544675]: filter time older than odom message buffer Failed to open port /dev/ttyUSB0. Please make sure the Create cable is plugged into the computer. [ERROR] [1386716974.691582292]: Covariance specified for measurement on topic wheelodom is zero [WARN] [WallTime: 1386716974.708936] Create : robot not connected yet, sci not available [ERROR] [1386716974.733089805]: filter time older than odom message buffer [ERROR] [1386716974.766284180]: Covariance specified for measurement on topic wheelodom is zero
Other point to be noted - The USB port parameter had to be modified to ttyUSB1 instead of ttyUSB0. This was done using the following command -
rosparam set /brown/irobot_create_2_1/port /dev/ttyUSB1
I think this might be the issue because the parameter isn't set for turtlebot package. I don't know how to change it for the turtlebot package though.
Also, there I can't seem to find, turtlebot_driver anywhere. Shouldn't that have been installed along with the turtlebot package? Edit: I think it's now called create_driver. I have modified the to cahnge ttyUSB0 to ttyUSB1, but still the minimal.launch fails.
What needs to be done in this case?
Is there an alternative to using the turtlebot package to be able to run teleop?