vslam, Running on Your Own Data
Hi all!
I want to use the vslam package in diamondback for visual odometry. I made all the installation steps, downloaded the stereo tutorial data and tested. It works fine, but know i have some problems trying to use my own data instead of the tutorial bag.
In the section "1.4 Running on Your Own Data" you explain how to use your own data just changing some lines in the stereo_vslam.launch.
My bag had the stereo images unsynchronized, I play my bag and launch the sync_images node and had the stereo images synchronized. But still have some problems using the vslam node. I can run the sync images and the vslam_system without problems, but when i play the bag the vslam_system node says:
[wide_stereo/stereo_vslam_node-1] process has died [pid 20722, exit code -11]. log files: /home/joser/.ros/log/d398d566-cdd9-11e0-8873-f30ac7586bf8/wide_stereo-stereo_vslam_node-1*.log
The only difference that i can see between the playing the two bags (tutorial and my own) using the rxgraph is the subscription of "/tf" topic (with the tutorial bag the vslam_node achieved the subscription and with my bag it didn't)
In the log file it say : [roscpp_internal] [2011-08-24 00:47:55,900] [thread 0x7f53a928c860]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [searchParam] returned an error (-1): [Cannot find parameter [tf_prefix] in an upwards search]