Importing Collada meshes into a Gazebo world
I ran into some trouble when trying to import a Collada mesh file as static world into Gazebo (similar to a previous question).
How can gazebo worlds be distributed into ROS packages? The actual .world file can be put into a package, but in there the mesh is loaded with
<body:trimesh name="willow_map_body"> <geom:trimesh name="willow_map_geom"> <mesh>meshfile.dae</mesh> (...) </geom:trimesh> </body:trimesh>
It seems like the actual file (meshfile.dae) needs to be copied manually into simulator_gazebo/gazebo/gazebo/share/gazebo/Media/models/willowgarage.dae or is there a better way?
I ended up with wrongly scaled worlds after exporting a .dae from SketchUp. Could it be that Gazebo requires inches as units for meshes? For example, in gazebo_worlds has a
<scale>0.02 0.02 0.02</scale>
tag. But shouldn't that instead be<scale>0.0254 0.0254 0.0254</scale>
? Otherwise the whole world is slightly too small.