Launching a Python program without a #! at the top
I am currently porting some of our code/infrastructure to electric from diamondback. When trying to launch my new electric stuff, I get a problem being able to launch one of our third party libraries (dynamixel_controllers) It looks like all the python programs in this package do not have the #!/usr/bin/python at the top of the files, and now they will not launch with the following error message:
If it is a script, you may be missing a '#!' declaration at the top.
I haven't changed anything related to this, and while I can add the #! to the top of each file, I'd rather not as it is an external library, and I don't want to be running our own fork of it. Is there something new to electric that I must do to launch python files?
The specific file I'm attempting to run is the file from the dynamixel_controllers package. Should this be launched instead by the controller spawner or something? Here's the associated (failing) launch file:
<!-- Load joint names from yaml file -->
<rosparam file="$(find cyton_arm_driver)/config/joint_controllers.yaml" command="load"/>
<node name="cyton_joint_action_controller" pkg="dynamixel_controllers" type="" required="true">
<param name="~controller_namespace" type="str" value=""/>