Library roscpp does not load
Hi there,
I tried to install ROS on a x86 based embedded system (Linux installed using the meta-ros layer for yocto).
In genereal (with python libraries only) it works fine.
Unfortunately I observed a strange behavior with . My initial issue has been that after starting roscore, everything was up and running besides rosout. I tried to restart it manually, but the shell just blocks after calling rosout and with top I could observe that the process already stopped.
I did some tests afterwards, and wrote a small program, that does not use ROS at all. If I link it with libroscpp I get the same strange behavior as with rosout. When I leave libroscpp out, no issue at all. I can even link librostime... It is only libroscpp that creates the troubles.
I already checked with ldd all libraries that are additionally linked to my executable, and in general they are all on the harddisk...
Any ideas what I could try as next steps? As it is already the linking that causes the trouble, I am running a bit out of ideas, what to try...
Best regards Christoph
Please provide actual error outputs otherwise it's very hard to help you.
There is no error. The moment I link libroscpp with an executable, the executable will not start. :-(
What do you mean it will not start? Can you show the console output?