roomba 531 imu data (map building & navigation)
I have a roomba 531 and a kinect. I would like to use the navigation stack to build a map and navigate in that map afterwards.
I am currently using the roomba560_node to drive my robot. In the TurtleBot tutorials the turtlebot_node is used which publishes imu data. The roomba560_node, as I understand, does not. Does the roomba 531 have an imu, and is it supported somewhere?
I tried to build a map without using robot_pose_ekf, only using the odom from roomba560_node. I had to publish a static transform odom->base_link. But the map was not usable at all. Do I require an imu to build a map?
Am I missing important components?
Many thanks in advance!
@rimesime So just out of curiosity, were you able to create a good-enough map only without adding extra sensors?