rosjava maven dependencies
I'm following the steps listed here
What I really want to do, is add some maven dependencies to my existing maven (eclipse) project and start writing and testing rosjava.
Issues I found:
- The eclipse target doesn't exist in the gradle build.
- The build creates some maven artifacts, but is quite there are quite a few missing.
- Gradle was not able to find dependencies that were not already in my maven repo.
I checked out rosjava_core from git, gradle was not able to find dependencies that were not already in my maven repo. I've manually added them to my maven repo.
Once rosjava_core was built, I worked out that it added the below artifact to my maven repo, so I added this dependency to my maven project...
My maven project build then failed with:
No versions are present in the repository for the artifact with a range [1.9,1.10)
So I proceeded to checkout rosjava_messages and build it, which produced lots of messages like this:
Couldn't find gateway_msgs on the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
I have a full install for ros and my ROS_PACKAGE_PATH seems to be correct : /opt/ros/hydro/share:/opt/ros/hydro/stacks
and finally the build failed with this message:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Could not copy MANIFEST.MF to '/home/rsutton/git/rosjava_messages/rosjava_test_msgs/build/tmp/jar/MANIFEST.MF'.
At this point I returned to try to build my project which failed with this message:
No versions are present in the repository for the artifact with a range [0.1,0.2)
So I proceeded to checkout and build rosjava_bootstrap, which built without any issues. :)
returning to my project it now fails with this message:
No versions are present in the repository for the artifact with a range [0.4,0.5)
I expect this last error is because of the failures building rosjava_messages.
In summary
- There are a couple of issues with following the instructions.
- It would be really useful if there maven dependencies for ros java in an accessible maven repo somewhere.
Finally can someone point me in the right direction.