openni_kinect dosen't publish anything in the topics or rviz
Hi, I'm very new to ROS so bare with me a bit, I've just installed Electric on Ubuntu 11.04 on an Toshiba L650 laptop (ATI VGA)
I've installed opennni_kinect using the package
As I understand all I need to do is just to connect the kinect and start the openni_camera node so I did that using "roslaunch openni_camera openni_node.launch" and that kept on doing some stuff and stopped at
so I assumed everything is ok then followed the instruction to view the images on rviz but got nothing except a status warning in the point cloud2 screen in front of Topic saying "No messages received"
I checked using rostopic hz and rostopic echo for /camera/rgb/points but there is nothing there, also the global frame status indicates the status to be ok but there is nothing showing on the screen at all
I'm I missing something or is there a conflict with ATI driver or something? is there anything else rather than roscore should be running or is there any other steps before I run the node?