how to capture data from Velodyne32, network setting?
I'm using ubuntu 13.04 64b with ROS Groovy and I'm trying to use velodyne 32.
I've followed the tutorial [Getting Started with the Velodyne HDL-32E] and rviz is not showing the scenes.
- sudo ifconfig eth0 <-- IP for my PC
- sudo route add eth0 <-- velodyne IP
- roslaunch velodyne_pointcloud 32e_points.launch calibration:=/home/vic/32db.yaml
- rosrun rviz rviz -f velodyne > configure as the tutorial said.
Rviz shows a message: "no tf data. Actual error: Fixed frame [/velodyne] does not exist ".
tcpdump and wireshark has captured no package, so my network is not properly set.
What is wrong in my network configuration? Thanks in advance.
Updated: I fixed a wire inside Velodyne and now everything is fine . But I want to understand the network setting.
If I connect velodyne to my PC, with wireshark I detect ethernet packages from velodyne (.18.108) to broadcast (.3.255).
So, I do step 1 ( sudo ifconfig eth0 and my PC should "listen" these packages because it is now the receiver.
If I don't do step2, when I do step3 the /velodyne_points is an active topic (rostopic list) but with no data (rostopic echo /velodyne_points).
So, Why do I need step 2? (sudo route add eth0 ). What does? I think is to say "admit packages from this IP". But, is it not the default option? to admit these?
Thanks in advance.