How to use Simple_navigation_goals ?
I am trying to figure out how to read navigation position of turtlebot in rviz (saved map,or new), and translate that info to write it in the Simple_navigation_goals.cpp. Does the cpp file send a goal similar to the way rviz does in gmapping, or does it just tell it to move forward then move left ..etc . How can I get the turtlebot to draw out a square. And how can I get turtlebot to go to a fixed location ? Thanks --Atom--
@Atom, I am little bit confused with TurtleBot since there are two sources to download package; one is from here and other one is Which one you have used? Which version of ROS and Gazebo are you using?
@ Atom which tutorials you are referring; this one or the other one from here Can we modify the autonomous behavior in anyone of them?