Unknown exception errors in sick_ldmrs "offset must be non-negative"
Currently working on an autonomous vehicle project where the majority of software is written in ROS and I am using the ibeo LUX lidar for object detection along with the sick_ldmrs lidar driver code (as a part of the csiro-asl-ros-pkg). I recently came across some strange exceptions and was wondering if anyone recognized them, or had any inkling as to their origin and (hopefully) how to fix them. Both errors were exceptions caught by sickldmrs.py on line 394
rospy.logwarn('Caught unknown exception: %s...restarting transport.' % e)
The first said "index out of bounds" and was most likely triggered within dataproc.py around lines 153-155
if any(["scan" in topic and num_subs > 0 for topic, num_subs in subscribers.iteritems()]):
The second error said "offset must be non-negative and smaller than buffer lenth (44)", and I do not have any idea where it was triggered.
On a related note, I noticed that there was a large pool of water near the sensor when these errors were triggered. Has anyone ever experienced issues with water and the sick_ldmrs driver? Thanks for any help. I would appreciate even a rough guess of the origin for either error.
For reference I am using Diamondback with Ubuntu 11.04