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Trouble with dynamixel_controller

asked 2011-12-13 09:14:17 -0600

StephenS gravatar image

updated 2011-12-13 10:23:26 -0600

mmwise gravatar image

Greetings, I am attempting to use the dynamixel_controller stack to control an ax-12 servo. When I attempt to launch the node I get an error stating "Could not open port /dev/ttyUSB0 [Errno 2] no such file or directory: '/dev/ttyUSB0.' Now I've checked to make sure my usb2dynamixel is connected to ttyUSB0 with minicom and it is. After looking at my log I think it may have something to do with use_sim_time? My log file can be seen below, any help would be greatly appreciated.

[rospy.client][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:19,667: init_node, name[/dynamixel_manager], pid[2400]
[xmlrpc][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:19,668: XML-RPC server binding to
[xmlrpc][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:19,669: Started XML-RPC server [http://ubuntu:59821/]
[rospy.init][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:19,669: ROS Slave URI: [http://ubuntu:59821/]
[rospy.impl.masterslave][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:19,669: _ready: http://ubuntu:59821/
[xmlrpc][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:19,671: xml rpc node: starting XML-RPC server
[rospy.registration][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:19,672: Registering with master node http://localhost:11311
[rospy.init][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:19,770: registered with master
[rospy.rosout][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:19,849: initializing /rosout core topic
[rospy.rosout][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:19,855: connected to core topic /rosout
[rospy.simtime][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:19,858: /use_sim_time is not set, will not subscribe to simulated time [/clock] topic
[rospy.core][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:19,877: signal_shutdown [atexit]
[rospy.impl.masterslave][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:19,883: atexit
[rospy.client][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:47,887: init_node, name[/dynamixel_manager], pid[2510]
[xmlrpc][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:47,888: XML-RPC server binding to
[xmlrpc][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:47,889: Started XML-RPC server [http://ubuntu:50528/]
[rospy.init][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:47,890: ROS Slave URI: [http://ubuntu:50528/]
[rospy.impl.masterslave][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:47,890: _ready: http://ubuntu:50528/
[xmlrpc][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:47,891: xml rpc node: starting XML-RPC server
[rospy.registration][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:47,892: Registering with master node http://localhost:11311
[rospy.init][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:47,990: registered with master
[rospy.rosout][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:48,069: initializing /rosout core topic
[rospy.rosout][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:48,075: connected to core topic /rosout
[rospy.simtime][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:48,078: /use_sim_time is not set, will not subscribe to simulated time [/clock] topic
[rospy.core][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:48,097: signal_shutdown [atexit]
[rospy.impl.masterslave][INFO] 2011-12-13 17:53:48,104: atexit
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2 Answers

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answered 2011-12-13 10:06:55 -0600

arebgun gravatar image

It has nothing to do with use_sim_time parameter, it being set or not will not influence how dynamixel driver will operate.

It looks like it can't find the ttyUSB0 file, can you add an output of:

ls -la /dev/ttyUSB*

to your question, just to make sure that it is indeed there?

Could you also add configuration and launch file that you used to start everything up?

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answered 2012-06-20 06:41:15 -0600

jontromanab gravatar image

updated 2016-05-25 17:02:46 -0600

130s gravatar image

I am getting this error message when trying to run controller_manager.launch

can anyone tell me what wrong is going on here?

 * /rosdistro
 * /ttyUSB0_manager/port_name
 * /ttyUSB0_manager/min_motor_id
 * /ttyUSB0_manager/max_motor_id
 * /rosversion
 * /ttyUSB0_manager/update_rate
 * /ttyUSB0_manager/baud_rate

    ttyUSB0_manager (dynamixel_controllers/

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [3897]

setting /run_id to 400b5458-baf6-11e1-a452-00224d6bc6e5
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [3910]
started core service [/rosout]
process[ttyUSB0_manager-2]: started with pid [3913]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/ros/electric/stacks/dynamixel_motor/dynamixel_controllers/nodes/", line 251, in <module>
    manager = ControllerManager()
  File "/opt/ros/electric/stacks/dynamixel_motor/dynamixel_controllers/nodes/", line 78, in __init__
    manager_namespace = rospy.get_param('~namespace')
  File "/opt/ros/electric/stacks/ros_comm/clients/rospy/src/rospy/", line 378, in get_param
    return _param_server[param_name] #MasterProxy does all the magic for us
  File "/opt/ros/electric/stacks/ros_comm/clients/rospy/src/rospy/", line 117, in __getitem__
    raise KeyError(key)
KeyError: '~namespace'
[ttyUSB0_manager-2] process has died [pid 3913, exit code 1].
log files: /root/.ros/log/400b5458-baf6-11e1-a452-00224d6bc6e5/ttyUSB0_manager-2*.log
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Can you post the contents of the launch file that you are using?

arebgun gravatar image arebgun  ( 2012-06-27 11:35:12 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2011-12-13 09:14:17 -0600

Seen: 1,346 times

Last updated: May 25 '16