tum_ardrone - Waiting for first navdata to determine drone version
I downloaded and was able to compile tum_ardrone on Ubuntu Linux 12.04. I'm using ROS Hydro.
I'm able to use the keyboard to fly the ardrone - but I cannot get video for PTAM. The PTAM Video window does not even show. PTAM Drone Map View shows, and the console for state_estimation shows this all the time.
"Waiting for first navdata to determine drone version"
Under tum_ardroneGUI, I can see under Node Communication Status that the Drone Navdata is 0Hz.
when running ardrone_autonomy ardrone_driver, i get
Tag 34866 is an unknown navdata option tag
One option (0) is not a valid option because its size is zero
*[Navdata] Checksum failed : 989 (distant) / 35945 (local) *
Any idea what could it be? Who is supposed to send navdata?
Thanks, appreciate if anyone could help!