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switching global planner

asked 2012-01-19 06:17:17 -0500

Jacek gravatar image

updated 2014-01-28 17:11:09 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image


In nav_core default global planner is navfn, but I want to change it to carrot planner or something else (in future it will be my global planner). What I have to change and where?

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It was first thing I've done. Now it looks like this: private_nh.param("base_global_planner", global_planner, std::string("carrot_planner/CarrotPlanner"));

Jacek gravatar image Jacek  ( 2012-01-19 06:38:14 -0500 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2012-01-19 06:30:58 -0500

Eric Perko gravatar image

You'll have to change the base_global_planner parameter of move_base. See the move_base docs for more details.

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answered 2012-01-19 07:33:15 -0500

Hansg91 gravatar image

The string you edited is the default value for the parameter. You could have a parameter file loaded, or defined that parameter in a .launch script, which defines the base_global_planner as navfn, therefore it never uses your default value.

Try finding if you got a parameter like this set up in some config file or launch script, and change it to your carrot planner. Generally you shouldn't need to edit the code, you can adjust most navigation settings using parameters.

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I'm going to go further and say that you should *never* edit anything installed in /opt/ros, because it will get overwritten when you upgrade your ROS packages, and the packages in /opt/ros at configured not to rebuild when you run rosmake, to save compilation time, so it ignores code changes.
ahendrix gravatar image ahendrix  ( 2012-01-19 13:25:31 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2012-01-19 06:17:17 -0500

Seen: 1,204 times

Last updated: Jan 19 '12