problems with naoqi after compille workstation compile_error [closed]
when i compiling my workspace, i get this error:
-- nao_msgs: 48 messages, 5 services -- +++ processing catkin package: 'nao_driver' -- ==> add_subdirectory(nao_robot/nao_driver)
-- Could not find NAOqi's alcommon
-- Could not find NAOqi's alvision
-- Could not find NAOqi's alproxies
-- Could not find NAOqi's alerror
-- Could not find NAOqi's alvalue
-- Cannot find NAOqi C++ sdk; C++ nodes will NOT be built
In my .bashrc i edit the line:
export $PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:$HOME/workspace/ros/groovy/src/pynaoqi-sdk-1.14-linux64bits/pynaoqi/"
how i edit the c++ sdk to the .bashrc?
I'm not sure what this has to do with roscore; you may get better responses with a better question title.