How to read a value from a ros message?
Dear friends,
I am new in ROS, I am usinig CMVISION package, and the tos topic which I need is " /blobs ", with type "cmvision/blobs"
$ rosmsg show cmvision/Blob
uint32 red uint32 green uint32 blue uint32 area uint32 x uint32 y uint32 left uint32 right uint32 top uint32 bottom
I want to just read the "x", and "y" from this message,
As far as I know the "/" can help me, but I tried "rostopic echo /blobs/x" and it did not work....
Any body knows how I could do this?
Do you want to read the value in terminal or use it in your code?
I want to use that in another code to be the input,
May you please say your solution for use in terminal , also?