Error using ros::shutdown and moveit
I read somewhere that this is a fairly benign error, but does anyone know why ROS doesn't shut down correctly when using moveit? I get the following error message:
move_joint_goal: /usr/include/boost/thread/pthread/pthread_mutex_scoped_lock.hpp:26: boost::pthread::pthread_mutex_scoped_lock::pthread_mutex_scoped_lock(pthread_mutex_t*): Assertion `!pthread_mutex_lock(m)' failed. Aborted (core dumped)
Everything works fine until then, I can move my robot, and get state information and all.
Good question, I always get the same error. I guess nobody cares because it only happens on shutdown, but it bugs me too. Maybe ask this question over at the MoveIt Google groups mailing list, that's where the MoveIt developers are.
It's a bit weird when you're just starting, and I get my own segmentation faults, and I can't work out what is wrong with my own application. But since it is apparently not very important, I'm just leaving it.