generate_dynamic_reconfigure_options executed every build
Hi, I noticed that in my project every node with dynamic_reconfigure is rebuilt even if there is no file change. Is this a known behaviour of catkin? Is there anyway to prevent it?
Thanking you, Benzun
Edit: I thought I solved this issue but everytime i run dynamic reconfigure the headers are created again in the folder /devel/include/package_name.
I am using ros hydro on Ubuntu 12.04. I am just building the dynamic_reconfigure tutorial from
Everytime i run the build i get the following
Generating dynamic reconfigure files from cfg/Tutorial.cfg: /home/bpwiselybabu/drc_workspace/devel/include/dynamic_tutorials/TutorialConfig.h /home/bpwiselybabu/drc_workspace/devel/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dynamic_tutorials/cfg/
Even though I have not edited the cfg/Tutorial.cfg file
This does not happen with ros messages though.
This is not a known issue. If you want more help to figure out what is happening for you you might want to provide more information: Which version of ROS are you using? For which package do you experience the issue? What commands do you invoke, what is the actual output, what the expected?
Without more information, I don't see how anyone can help you.