roslaunch default package
In a .launch file inside a package, is it possible to omit the package name in a <node> tag if the node package is the same as the package the launcher lives in? I mean, I have a launcher with lines like this:
<rosparam command="load" file="$(find my_package)/config/config.yaml" ns="configuration" />
<node pkg="my_package" name="node1" type="" output="screen" />
<node pkg="my_package" name="node2" type="" output="screen" />
<node pkg="my_package" name="node3" type="" output="screen" />
<node pkg="my_package" name="gui" type="" output="screen" required="true"/>
If I want to change the package's name, I'll have to change the pkg argument of all the nodes. Is there a way to omit that, or at least to replace with something like "this" (or "self", as Python programmers use)?
My guess is no and if it was available I'd advise against it. If someone copies the launch to adapt it, everything will break. Changing all occurrences is an easy task for search and replace.