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Any experience with iRobot ATRV-JR?

asked 2014-06-24 14:28:57 -0500

JWest gravatar image

I am building a robot testbed at my community college and I inherited an iRobot ATRV-JR platform, but no documentation or other information. Does anyone here have experience or know who I can contact.

Thanks, Jonathan West

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4 Answers

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answered 2014-06-24 19:17:48 -0500

updated 2014-06-25 10:05:29 -0500

These robots have a proprietary board inside called an rFlex bus that communicates with the sensors and motors. I've been trying to communicate with the rFlex board on my ATRV-Jr for a while now with no luck so far.

I found that the Washington University robotics group has written some ROS software that communicates with rFlex based robots, but it didn't seem to work for me. But I haven't had time to troubleshoot deeply yet. It's not my main project.

Here is a manual for the iRobot/RWI software that runs on the onboard PC. It's terribly old not supported anymore, so I did not find it useful.

I have been able to drive mine around the lab using an old wired joystick and walking behind it. I can talk you through that if you'd like to do that. Let me know if you're interested.

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answered 2023-07-20 07:01:04 -0500

Hi there,

Did you manage to have any luck? Either with a communicating with the rFlex board or installing your own interfaces after striping it down.

I am facing a similar dilemma with my ATRV, so I would appreciate any feedback.



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answered 2014-06-24 22:28:50 -0500

JWest gravatar image

Thanks for the information. Yes, it has the sonar array which I would like to use, but all of the interface is apparently proprietary and quite outdated. My goal is to get a good educational platform up and running so spending a lot of time on old, proprietary interfaces may not be in my best interest.

I was hoping that the interface boards would just be a serial communication protocol that I could implement, but otherwise I may end up stripping it down to the motors and hardware and then replacing the electronics with a laptop and some more modern interfaces.

I will look into the links provided and see if I can make anything work before I give up on the existing system.

Thanks again

J West

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answered 2014-06-24 17:15:08 -0500

ccapriotti gravatar image

I am somewhat jealous of you... That thing has SONARS ! (Well, the rescue version anyway)

Found something else here:

It has a Pentium 3 inside. If the communication with the sensors/controllers is not proprietary, you could try replacing the mainboard with something more powerful.

Is this your beast ?

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Asked: 2014-06-24 14:28:57 -0500

Seen: 996 times

Last updated: Jun 25 '14