How to I fix undefined symbol error?
I recently upgraded to the most recent packages of ROS hydro and now when I launch gazebo using "rosrun gazebo_ros gazebo" I'm getting the following error:
gzserver: symbol lookup error: /opt/ros/hydro/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN3ros7package10getPluginsERKSsS2_RSt6vectorISsSaISsEE
gzclient: symbol lookup error: /opt/ros/hydro/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN3ros7package10getPluginsERKSsS2_RSt6vectorISsSaISsEE
Using c++filt or , I see that the following method is undefined:
ros::package::getPlugins(std::string const&, std::string const&, std::vector<std::string, std::allocator<std::string=""> >&)
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Here are the ROS / Gazebo packages I have installed on my Ubuntu 12.04.4 64-bit computer:
$ dpkg -l | grep hydro | grep gazebo
ii ros-hydro-gazebo3-msgs 2.4.2-3precise Message and service data structures for interacting with Gazebo from ROS.
ii ros-hydro-gazebo3-plugins 2.4.2-3precise Robot-independent Gazebo plugins for sensors, motors and dynamic reconfigurable components.
ii ros-hydro-gazebo3-ros 2.4.2-3precise Provides ROS plugins that offer message and service publishers for interfacing with Gazebo through ROS. Formally simulator_gazebo/gazebo
$ dpkg -l | grep gazebo
ii gazebo3 3.0.0-3~precise Open Source Robotics Simulator
ii gazebo3-common 3.0.0-3~precise Open Source Robotics Simulator - Shared files
ii gazebo3-plugin-base 3.0.0-3~precise Open Source Robotics Simulator - base plug-ins
ii libgazebo-dev 3.0.0-3~precise Open Source Robotics Simulator - Development Files