Problem running follower demo turtlebot
I've just received a turtlebot and I'm having some trouble when I try to run the follower demo in the netbook that came along with the robot. The robot doesn't move when I run the command: $ roslaunch turtlebot_follower follower.launch
The output is:
[ INFO] [1405090576.551327448]: Number devices connected: 1
[ INFO] [1405090576.551600322]: 1. device on bus 003:24 is a SensorV2 (2ae) from PrimeSense (45e) with serial id '0000000000000000'
[ INFO] [1405090576.553242502]: Searching for device with index = 1
[ INFO] [1405090576.603033557]: Opened 'SensorV2' on bus 3:24 with serial number '0000000000000000'
[ INFO] [1405090577.265245722]: rgb_frame_id = '/camera_rgb_optical_frame'
[ INFO] [1405090577.265818846]: depth_frame_id = '/camera_depth_optical_frame'
[ WARN] [1405090577.280437487]: Camera calibration file /home/turtlebot/.ros/camera_info/rgb_0000000000000000.yaml not found.
[ WARN] [1405090577.280986866]: Using default parameters for RGB camera calibration.
[ WARN] [1405090577.281605477]: Camera calibration file /home/turtlebot/.ros/camera_info/depth_0000000000000000.yaml not found.
[ WARN] [1405090577.281993724]: Using default parameters for IR camera calibration.
I think it should have shown 2 devices connected (kinect and kobuki base). I tried disconnecting each one of them and running the code again and I discovered that the problem is that it is only considering the kinect as a connected device. Do I need to do anything else than connecting the provided usb cable between the base and the netbook? Using the command $lsusb it looks like the usb port is working properly.
Thanks in advance
EDIT: Thanks for the answer Devon, I've tried what you suggested but unfortunately it didn't work. I didn't find the topic cmd_vel, so I used the other command you suggest and the output was:
$ rostopic list | grep cmd_vel
I assumed the topic I would like to verify is the last one. So I ran the follower application again while monitoring the topic, and I could check that it's not sending any velocity commands (assuming the topic I chose is the right one). The output was a bunch of:
x: 0.0
y: 0.0
z: 0.0
x: 0.0
y: 0.0
z: 0.0
Cheers, gerhenz