cmake error: attempt to add link library
Hi, as starting point to work with Moveit and my custom robot i downloaded and modified
i put the folder in my catkin workspace under /src, renamed everything according to my robot and used a lot of examples.
Now i need to launch some original pr2 tutorial so i downloaded same package again this time i left everything intact but when i launch catkin_make i get lot's linking errors like this one:
CMake Error at moveit_pr2-hydro-devel/pr2_moveit_tutorials/planning/CMakeLists.txt:18 (target_link_libraries): Attempt to add link library "/opt/ros/hydro/lib/" to target "move_group_interface_tutorial" which is not built in this directory.
If I delete the modified package version I use with my custom robot everything compile fine but then i can't launch the examples anymore. If I launch
rospack find pr2_moveit_tutorials
I see correctly:
but when I launch the tutorial with:
roslaunch pr2_moveit_tutorials motion_planning_interface_tutorial.launch
I get this error:
[motion_planning_interface_tutorial.launch] is neither a launch file in package [pr2_moveit_tutorials] nor is [pr2_moveit_tutorials] a launch file name
What am I missing? Thanks