ROS on Odroid U3
I'm trying to figure out the best way to set up my Odroid U3 with ROS. Here's a list of problems and their potential solutions, but I don't have a ton of experience with this and I was hoping to tap greater minds:
- Problem: ROS is built for x86 architectures, not ARM architectures.
- Solution: Use the UbuntuARM installation
- Issue: This ties us down to Hydro. ROS also has weak (but getting better!) support for ARM, which is still an issue for many packages.
- Problem: Odroid's preconfigured Linux install is Saucy Salamander, 13.10, which is supported by Indigo.
- Solution: Install Ubuntu 13.04 on the Odroid and use the UbuntuARM installation with Hydro.
- Issue: I have to install an unsupported and old OS on the Odroid U3, preventing me from using any developments from Indigo as well.
Anything else I'm missing? Have many others installed ROS on Odroid or on ARM architectures (Beagleboard, Raspberry Pi, etc.)?