Virtual Corridor for Robot Navigation, Updating CostMap
I'm asking this question again, in case there were some new thoughts from the ROS community
I'm trying to add a "virtual" corridor along the waypoints generated by the global planner (waypoints are in the middle of the virtual corridor), so the robot never leaves this "virtual" corridor when it's moving between the waypoints using a local planner. For example, if during the robot's navigation within this corridor, an obstacle appears in front of the robot and covers the entire width of the corridor, the robot should stop (Although there might be free spaces outside this virtual corridor), and if the obstacle did not cover the entire corridor, the robot should replan and find an alternative path which is still within the virtual corridor.
Apparently, the default local planners (DWA, or Trajectory Rollout) in the ROS Navigation Stack do not support such a functionality.
is it possible to manually update the costmap (using the layered costmap?), so everything outside the certain distance of the global path (i.e. outside the virtual corridor) become obstacles, so that the robot never leaves the virtual corridor?
Or any other thoughts on how to implement this feature?
Previous question: .