Bad maps produced by gmapping in simulation with feature-poor environments
I've found that in relatively feature-poor environments, e.g. a large rectangular room, the maps produced by gmapping can be very wrong. This is using a Turtlebot simulated in Gazebo, I'm not sure how transferrable this issue is. Also when using the environment from the tutorial gmapping works fine, so I suspect it's the lack of features causing the problem.
The symptoms are that the robots position jumps suddenly by up to ~1.5m, and walls it maps from then on are offset correspondingly.
I've tracked down the cause of this to "scan matching" in the OpenSLAM Gmapping code - particle locations are updated in two cases, first when applying the motion model, and second when each particle is 'jiggled' by the scan matcher to better fit the scan data. The fix for this is to change the minimumScore
gmapping parameter to a large value:
<param name="minimumScore" value="10000"/>
by editing / copying gmapping.launch.xml
. This turns gmapping into a pure mapping rather than a SLAM algorithm. However, the odometry provided by Gazebo seems pretty good, and not the cause of the problem (as some people seem to have suspected previously, e.g.
You can also set the motion model noise to zero, and reduce the number of particles to 1:
<param name="srr" value="0.0"/>
<param name="srt" value="0.0"/>
<param name="str" value="0.0"/>
<param name="stt" value="0.0"/>
<param name="particles" value="1"/>
which means the algorithm assumes the odometry is perfect. I think there might be some benefit in leaving these parameters as the default, to allow some corrections as the Gazebo odometry drifts, but I'm not completely sure.
This is the first time I hear about the minimumScore parameter. I have added to the gmapping documentation. It can be a very interesting tweak for some people reporting robot "jumps" while mapping, specially because the default values is 0!.
If Odometry is perfect, no need scanmatching. Scan matching is to correct pose of the robot. Reasons for fail may be your robot is moving with hight veloctiy. Try by increasing number of particle. Please share map you build so far.
@jorge - I mostly just meant this post to help people out. Regarding the motion model noise, the first question (which I don't need answering) is: 1) Why doesn't Gazebo produce perfect odometry? - I can see that it makes sense most of the time to simulate the real robot as faithfully as possible.
@jorge - the second question I'm not 100% sure of is: 2) Does keeping noise non-zero in the gmapping parameters mean we get a more accurate localisation even when the scan-matcher is effectively disabled? Yes, i.e. gmapping still chooses the best particle.
@bvbdort - I'm happy that disabling the scan matching fixes the problem, thanks anyway.
@zsaigol hello, could you tell me how to disable the scan matching? thanks in advance
Thanks for the information. Please, can you suggest for me how to select the correct Gmapping odometry model noise (srr, srt, str, stt) ? Is it correct to calculate the RMSE between /cmd_vel/linear/x and /odom/twist/twsit/linear/x for translation and RMSE between /cmd_vel/angular/z and /odom/twist/twist/angular/z for rotation ?