transform tolerance
hi, All,
I am getting TF transform error. my setup is two laser, one SICK LM100 for AMCL. one Hokuyo URG for local cost map. the move_base Local cost map is dropping packages and complains old data.
Transform [sender=/hokuyo_scan]
For frame [local_laser]: No transform to fixed frame [world]. TF error: [Lookup would require extrapolation into the future. Requested time 1407940054.418783996 but the latest data is at time 1407940054.271341707, when looking up transform from frame [local_laser] to frame [world]]
I found there's a transform_tolerance setting in costmap_2d package, and I believe it's been set more than enough >1.0s. the error still persists.
however, when I use either single laser for both purposes, there isn't such problem.
anyone share a light?
Does this happen once or all the time?