ARM raring nmea_navsat_driver rosdep [closed]
I am using a parallella embedded system that uses a cortex A9 ARMHF architecture and am trying to get nmea_navsat_driver to work. I can download the source for from github and rosmake it without any problems. When i catkin_make my project, no errors show up. But when i try to run nmea_navsat_driver, nothing show up when tabbing for rosrun/roslaunch. So i tried to install the debian package for nmea_navsat_driver through sudo apt-get install, but i am getting a rosdep error saying: "ros-hydro-nmea-navsat-driver : Depends: python-serial but it is not installable". I tried to find and install python-serial from source, but had no luck in finding where the source is located. If i try to do "rosdep install python-serial" it tells me "ERROR: Rosdep cannot find all required resources to answer your query. Missing resource python-serial" and then lists my ROS path [0] = /opt/ros/hydro .... and so forth.
Does anybody know how i can get the nmea_navsat_driver to install on ARM? And if so, how do i overcome this dependency issue.
Can you post the exact error you get when you run
sudo apt-get install python-serial