Raspberry Pi +Hydro + Openni/freenect
Hi All,
I am very new to ROS, raspberry pi and linux. I already install Hydro into my raspberry pi. I can run roscore.
Next I want to run freenect_launch. I can'y sudo apt-get install freenect_stack. It say Unable to locate package freenect_stack. I check with apt-cache search freenect. It didn't have anything about freenect_stack/freenect_launch
When I apt-cache search openni there is nothing. Should I add source.list? how do i do that?
How to i apt-get freenect_stack and use roslaunch freenect_launch freenect.launch ?
Sorry I am very new to all this. Do please link me if already have answered.
Are you trying to connect a Microsoft Kinect to a raspberry pi? What linux are you using in rpi?
Debian. Thanks for your reply. I follow this tutorial to install hydro. http://wiki.ros.org/ROSberryPi/Settin...
If you are trying to connect Microsoft kinect to raspberry pi, it is not possible due to limitations in bandwidth on the rpi.
Are you sure? I search the net, there are some successful project on kinect and raspberry pi
I've got indigo running on a rpi2B (raspbian:jessie) and the kinect works with the freenect drivers. I've read that you can compile openni from github and that works too.