openni2_launch doesn't work with carmine 1.09 connected to USB3.0
Hi there,
I have a trouble that openni2_launch doesn't work.
I'm using carmine 1.09 connected to USB3.0, because my MacBookPro doesn't have any USB2.0 ports.
I've already carried out firmware update for carmine 1.09, however it still doesn't work and I have the following errors.
Actually, the errors are the same as the errors which I had before I update carmine's firmware.
[ INFO] [1415845653.463960586]: Device "1d27/0609@1/12" with serial number "" connected
[ INFO] [1415845653.468566285]: No matching device found.... waiting for devices. Reason: openni2_wrapper::OpenNI2Device::OpenNI2Device(const string&) @ /tmp/buildd/ros-indigo-openni2-camera-0.2.2-0trusty-20141015-0837/src/openni2_device.cpp @ 74 : Initialize failed
Could not open "1d27/0609@1/12": Failed to open the USB device!
How can I solve this problem ?
- OS : Ubuntu 14.04
- ROS : Indigo
- Hardware : MacBookPro (which has 2 USB3.0 ports)