Call set_pose service of robot_localization
Hello, i'm trying to call the set_pose service provided from robot_localization node, from console. It expects a posewithcovatiancestamped type message. If I type: rosservice call /set_pose "{}", the tf is set to 0,0,0. But What If I need to set another pose?
Service arguments are: [pose.header.seq pose.header.stamp pose.header.frame_id pose.pose.pose.position.x pose.pose.pose.position.y pose.pose.pose.position.z pose.pose.pose.orientation.x pose.pose.pose.orientation.y pose.pose.pose.orientation.z pose.pose.pose.orientation.w pose.pose.covariance]
I tried things like: - rosservice call /summit_a/set_pose "[0 now /odom_ekf_frame 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]" but i don't find the key for this call. Thanks in advance and best regards