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Usage Map from ROSCon 2014?

asked 2014-12-06 17:15:40 -0500

csherstan gravatar image

Hey for those of you who were at ROSCon 2014 in Chicago there was a slick looking demo showing how many usage statistics of different packages, number of bugs, etc. I think it also showed a map of users geographically. I think it might have been demoed during a lightning talk, not sure.

I am NOT referring to this map:

Anyone know what I'm talking about or where it's located?

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2 Answers

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answered 2014-12-08 12:54:22 -0500

Ryan gravatar image

Do you mean "The ROS ecosystem: Impact, insights, and improvements"? Slides, Video

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Here's a link to the ecosystem graph:

Tom Moore gravatar image Tom Moore  ( 2014-12-08 13:31:25 -0500 )edit

Yup, Ryan and Tom for the win. Thanks guys.

csherstan gravatar image csherstan  ( 2014-12-09 09:41:45 -0500 )edit

answered 2014-12-07 02:41:00 -0500

130s gravatar image

You might be referring to ROS Metrics.

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Thanks, but that's not it. There was a demo of a cool html based tool that allowed you to visualize package usage and number of bugs, etc.

csherstan gravatar image csherstan  ( 2014-12-07 12:36:32 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2014-12-06 17:15:40 -0500

Seen: 174 times

Last updated: Dec 08 '14