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RosAria ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out

asked 2015-01-25 11:38:17 -0500

gaussian gravatar image

i am working with Pioneer 3DX and using RosAria library to control the robot. The rosaria library was working fine. But suddenly today I encountered this problem and I am not able to solve. On running rosaria rode using 'rosrun rosaria RosAria' I face the following serial error. I have set full permissions for my serial port.

ramkumar@ramkumar-Inspiron-7720:~$ rosrun rosaria RosAria rosrun rosaria RosAria _port:=/dev/ttyUSB0
[ INFO] [1422207128.792943336]: RosAria: using port: [/dev/ttyUSB0]
Could not connect to simulator, connecting to robot through serial port /dev/ttyUSB0.
Syncing 0
Syncing 1
Syncing 2
Connected to robot.
Name: IIT-madras_3906
Type: Pioneer
Subtype: p3dx-sh
ArConfig: Config version: 2.0
Loaded robot parameters from p3dx-sh.p
ArRobotPacketReceiver::receivePacket: bad packet, bad checksum
ArRobotConnector: Connecting to MTX batteries (if neccesary)...
ArRobotConnector: Connecting to MTX sonar (if neccesary)...
[ INFO] [1422207129.572967595]: Setting TicksMM from ROS Parameter: 128
[ INFO] [1422207129.575718946]: Setting DriftFactor from ROS Parameter: 0
[ INFO] [1422207129.577907662]: Setting RevCount from ROS Parameter: 16570
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 1002 (200 into cycle after sleeping 200)
[ INFO] [1422207129.817593371]: RosAria: publishing new recharge state 0.
[ INFO] [1422207129.817769667]: RosAria: publishing new motors state 0.
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 1203 (200 into cycle after sleeping 200)
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 1404 (200 into cycle after sleeping 200)
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 1604 (200 into cycle after sleeping 200)
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 1804 (200 into cycle after sleeping 200)
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 2004 (200 into cycle after sleeping 200)
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 2205 (200 into cycle after sleeping 200)
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 2405 (200 into cycle after sleeping 200)
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 2605 (200 into cycle after sleeping 200)
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 2805 (200 into cycle after sleeping 200)
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 3006 (200 into cycle after sleeping 200)
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 3206 (200 into cycle after sleeping 200)
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 3406 (200 into cycle after sleeping 200)
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 3606 (200 into cycle after sleeping 200)
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 3807 (201 into cycle after sleeping 200)
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 4007 (200 into cycle after sleeping 200)
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 4207 (200 into cycle after sleeping 200)
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 4407 (200 into cycle after sleeping 200)
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 4607 (200 into cycle after sleeping 200)
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 4808 (200 into cycle after sleeping 200)
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 5008 (200 into cycle after sleeping 200)
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 5208 (200 into cycle after sleeping 200)
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 5408 (200 into cycle after sleeping 200)
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 5609 (201 into cycle after sleeping 200)
ArRobot::myPacketReader: Timed out (4) at 5809 (200 ...
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1 Answer

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answered 2015-01-26 09:22:22 -0500

ReedHedges gravatar image

updated 2015-01-26 09:22:38 -0500

That error message indicates that ARIA is not receiving data from the robot, even though it was able to do the initial connection. Start by checking physical connection to the robot and any settings related to /dev/ttyUSB0. Also make sure that no other software is attempting to use or change parameters of that port. Have you made any changes to rosaria? Are any clients connecting to the RosAria node or is this the result of running the RosAria node only?

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I got this problem fixed. I had mounted my robot over a deck for testing purpose and that was causing the problem. Pioneer is designed to make an initial jerk that works as a feedback mechanism (syncing 0 1 2). B4 8058ms u need to make a small jerk rotating a wheel manually, it solves the problem.

gaussian gravatar image gaussian  ( 2015-01-26 12:43:49 -0500 )edit

Glad it is now working. What do you mean by deck, and by jerk? You should not ned to manually move the wheels or robot for communications to continue, if so there is something wrong with its controller, encoders or similar.

ReedHedges gravatar image ReedHedges  ( 2015-01-27 10:05:23 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2015-01-25 11:38:17 -0500

Seen: 1,498 times

Last updated: Jan 26 '15