Problem connecting hokuyo ethernet LIDAR
Hey guys,
I am facing some problems with my hokuyo (UTM-30LX-EW, so the ethernet Scanner). I just downloaded the urg_node stack (with synaptic package manager) and tried to run
rosrun urg_node urg_node _ip_adress:=""
I received an error:
[ERROR] [1424702059.927639563]: Error connecting to Hokuyo: Could not open serial Hokuyo:
/dev/ttyACM0 @ 115200
could not open serial device.
So for me it looks like it thinks its an USB device. What did I wrong? My network connections are pretty easy for use with hokuyo, I just have an ethernet connect while I am connected with the hokuyo:
- manual ipv4 settings
- adress:
- netmask
- gateway: I am directly connected with the hokuyo so no switch in between.
I already found some questions for this on the answers page but nothing helped me so far. On windwos with UrgBenri tool everything works fine so the laser isnt broken or smth :)
So after this is what i basically want is to write a simple subscriber which receives an array of distances from the LIDAR. But actually the tutorials (Wrtiting a simple publisher and subscriber) and also the wiki of the hokuyo on the ros page doesnt help me a lot for this. Can you give me some advices how can I find a first approach?
Thanks in advance
Oh yea: Running Ubuntu 14.04 and Indigo