Kinect v2 "No devices connected..." I've tried everything.
I'm at the point, I've tried literally everything for weeks now to get any kind of visualization and no dice because of No devices connected error.
I'm on an intel i7 w/ hd graphics 4k running ubuntu trusty 14.04lts trying to get visualization on ros indigo
First I tried getting it all to run in a virtual machine, I thought that was my big problem that Virtualbox would not recognize USB 3.0 devices. So I abandoned that and partitioned my drive & installed ubuntu. Went through a bunch of stuff trying to get openni and openni2 to work, eventually finding out that that is for the 360 device. So now I tried libfreenect2 & freenect but still can not get passed the no devices connected error.
My lsusb lists the kinect in 3 places as it should. I don't know where to go from here. I tried 'protonect' from libfreenect2 but I get an error about openCL on there.
Can someone walk me through it?
When you download libfreenect2 there's a rules folder. Did you copy the file 90-kinect2.rules in your /etc/udev/rules.d/ folder ? You can run Protonect with cpu from the bin folder, to test if you can visualize the data :
I your Kinect a model 1473? If so this question may help you: