Kobuki : Timed out while waiting for serial data stream [/mobile_base] on Indigo
Using a turtlebot 2 on 14.04.2
I ran through the install section at http://wiki.ros.org/turtlebot/Tutoria... and the network setup.
When running:
roslaunch turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch
The kobuki base makes it's startup noise, then, a few seconds later it makes it's shutdown noise. With the following error message being produced on the console:
I get the same error when I try the kobuki node by itself:
$ roslaunch kobuki_node minimal.launch
setting /run_id to 0d2810f0-e247-11e4-8a15-0024d76aae74 process[rosout-1]: started with pid [22493] started core service [/rosout] process[mobile_base_nodelet_manager-2]: started with pid [22510] process[mobile_base-3]: started with pid [22511] process[diagnostic_aggregator-4]: started with pid [22546] This turtlebot was previously working in Furte.
Any ideas?