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publish new defined message type in ros indigo

asked 2015-04-23 00:15:14 -0500

crazymumu gravatar image

I want to publish new type message like std:map which store obstacle information.How can i do that?
Could you give me some suggestions. Thanks so much.

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2 Answers

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answered 2015-04-23 08:19:23 -0500

aak2166 gravatar image

You need to create a .msg file in a msg/ directory. You can create the message using the ROS Message Description Language.

Then you will need to add some info about the message to your package.xml and CMakeLists.txt see here.

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thanks so much

crazymumu gravatar image crazymumu  ( 2015-04-24 17:56:06 -0500 )edit

answered 2015-04-23 20:17:37 -0500

crazymumu gravatar image

std::map can't be published, I use array instead.

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you should use the comment function instead of posting an "answer" for that. Do you try to publish it with "rostopic pub" or where do you try to publish it? You should add a bit of more information, like your code, errors etc.

cyborg-x1 gravatar image cyborg-x1  ( 2015-04-24 03:33:07 -0500 )edit

thanks, i will use comment function. I try to use std::map define as a new message. I check the link aak2166 give to me. Fix that problem.

crazymumu gravatar image crazymumu  ( 2015-04-24 17:56:08 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2015-04-23 00:15:14 -0500

Seen: 223 times

Last updated: Apr 23 '15