pointcloud_to_laserscan indigo setup problem
I am running ROS Indigo on Ubuntu 14.04. My setup uses 1 Asus Xtion Pro with Openni2. I am trying to use the sample_node.launch file that comes by default with the pointcloud_to_laserscan package. Where the Point Cloud 2 input is "/camera/depth_registered/points", and Laser Scan output is "/camera/scan".
On RVIZ the laserscan output doesn't wrap what is projected by the Point Cloud. It rather shows a random irrelevant laser scan.
I tried to read the debug messages from "rqt", and they are all related to the points being out of range/height; thus I get lots of "inf" points by using "rostopic echo".
I guess the problem is related to a tf ? But I have no clue how to setup it up correctly. Below is the launch file I use. Any help would be appreciated.
<arg name="camera" default="camera" />
<!-- start sensor-->
<include file="$(find openni2_launch)/launch/openni2.launch">
<arg name="camera" default="$(arg camera)"/>
<!-- run pointcloud_to_laserscan node -->
<node pkg="pointcloud_to_laserscan" type="pointcloud_to_laserscan_node" name="pointcloud_to_laserscan">
<remap from="cloud_in" to="$(arg camera)/depth_registered/points"/>
<remap from="scan" to="$(arg camera)/scan"/>
#target_frame: # Leave disabled to output scan in pointcloud frame
transform_tolerance: 0.01
min_height: 0.0
max_height: 1.0
angle_min: -1.5708 # -M_PI/2
angle_max: 1.5708 # M_PI/2
angle_increment: 0.087 # M_PI/360.0
scan_time: 0.3333
range_min: 0.45
range_max: 4.0
use_inf: true
concurrency_level: 0
yea, you can try depthimage_to_laserscan and post here whether its working or not. Also, are you using rgbd_launch alongwith openni2 to generate the point cloud, because the openni launch file refers to rgbd_launch ?
depthimage_to_laserscan works, but i will ultimately be using a merged point cloud from 2 cameras,so that package isn't usefull. rgbd_launch is indirectly launched from within the openni2.launch, which is launched by my launcher.